NRCC Steak Out 2012!

Brian Sussman

The Nashua Republican City Committee (NRCC) is at it again, with their annual “Steak Out” dinner/fundraiser planned for Saturday, August 25, 2012.

They’ve always managed to get some great keynotes, from the late Andrew Breitbart and James O’Keefe, to Maricopa County, AZ Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, to former Fox News anchor, E.D. Hill.

This year, they are hosting former meteorologist and science reporter, now conservative talk radio host and author, Brian Sussman.

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Regional Protectors or Watermelons?


NRPC Executive Committee Meeting 07-18-12

I, along with about 6 other people, attended the July, 2012 Executive Committee meeting of the Nashua Regional Planning Commission (NRPC), in an attempt to gain a better understanding of how this “advisory” Regional Planning entity operates.

The 9 RPCs in New Hampshire were created as “political subdivisions” in approximately 1969, and operate under RSA 36 (45-53).

The public portion of the meeting lasted about 33 minutes (see video), and was followed by a non-public session, where the visitors from the public had to leave, as the committee discussed sensitive issues relating to personnel, hiring, firing, promotion, salaries, etc. of public employees.

You can imagine my surprise when the non-public portion of the meeting lasted nearly 90 minutes (with me waiting in the lobby).  I have been on a school board before, and I never experienced a non-public session that lasted any more than 20 minutes, except when dealing with a very complicated lawsuit against the school district.

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