The DeSantis Super PAC has an ad attacking Trump for attacking Republican Governors, one of whom is his excellency, Chris Sununu. The ad even says, “The way you win as Republicans is to unite Republicans.” Is it? Then why are you attacking one?
Super PAC
Which Costs More and Scares You Less: Halloween or the 2022 Election?
Many Americans will spend October stoking fear and building tension, with no shortage of blood-curdling screams. Then there’s Halloween. Over a two-year period, more than $9 billion will be spent on Election 2022.
Former NHGOP Chair Jennifer Horn’s Corrupt Little Endeavor – Visualized
Jenifer Horn is a political train wreck carrying left-wing baggage. A former NHGOP State party chair whose mission is to take other people’s money in the pursuit of taking other people’s money. All while claiming to represent Republican values.
Obama Is A Murderer [Updated]
He is. He even has a kill list. They bragged about it. Foreign terrorists have constitutional rights but killing American Citizens without a trial is not above Mr. Obama. Yes, the Peace Prize winner has a kill list. And he is using it. Meanwhile, that Obama Super PAC Ad about how Romney “Murdered” a Steel … Read more