Colleges and Guns

“A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders.” —Larry Elder


House Bill 334 will now go to the full floor for a vote. New Hampshire’s colleges currently set their own policies on possession of guns. Currently they all ban them. HB 334, sponsored by Mark Proulx, R-Manchester would bring such regulatory reach back into the purview of State authority. Now the colleges push back.

As reported in the Union Leader, Security personnel from the Granite States’ colleges and universities, wrote emphasizing “dangers in eliminating academia’s ability to ban gun possession on a college campus,” they wrote. “Thousands of young people attend New Hampshire’s colleges, sharing close quarters in residential, social, academic and other group activities. At this age, judgment and behaviors are still being developed and tested.” Interesting. So on the one hand, these institutions hold themselves out to be the first foray into the adult world where a kid can go to college and ply ones’ self with “adult” libations, voting, living, working, and all the other thumbnail trappings of adult life….But on the other hand, when it comes to guns, we will still be the mommy and daddy.  

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The Garbage Police

“Law, without force, is impotent.”  —Blaise Pascal

The City of Manchester, in its infinite wisdom, seeks to enact an anti-scavenging ordinance prohibiting the scavenging of recyclable items from curbside bins. Under the new measure, violators would be slapped with a fine.

 If this ordinance is enacted, the homeless and ‘ner-do wells’ who scavenge cans bottles and other such recyclable matter, perhaps to supplement their kids’ grocery bill, would be levied such fine. And/or the bums who cull bins, that they might purchase that jug of wine, would also be assessed a fine. Now, does anybody think the resource-challenged among us will pay? Picture Manchester Police officers writing the tickets…address? “Shopping cart under the bridge,”  all while rolling their eyes muttering, “yeah…right…enforce that ordinance…” Just feel the wind swirling off of the fenders of patrol cars speeding up and down Lake Ave in search of the law-breaking scavenger. After all, our Police Offiers have little better to do, right?


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