Talking Head Show Doodlings – Assorted

by Skip
NH Democrats have Nancy Pelosi Values - and they used to be proud of that.
NH Democrats have Nancy Pelosi Values – and they used to be proud of that.

I DVR and watch the “Talking Head Sunday Morning shows” like Meet the Press, This Week, Face the Nation, and even WUMR’s Closeup”; why?  Somebody is bound and determined to say something stupid.  Well, it is still early and have only gone through Fox New Sunday, but Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi did not disappoint.  In talking with Chris Wallace, the topic of gun control came up.  Leaving aside her takeoff on why gun murders are so low in Japan (“noexplanation for that, except that they may have good gun laws”).  Of COURSE, all acts of violence depends on taking her kinds of guns away from people she doesn’t like like.  And she stands on the BEST part of the Constitution / Bill of Rights for “allowing” guns, too!

No further sales of assault weapons, what’s is the justification for an assault weapon? No further sales of those? No further sales of the increased capacity 30 rounds in a gun. We’re talking background checks which is very popular even among gun owners and hunters.

We avow the First Amendment. We stand with that and say that people have a right to have a gun to protect themselves and their homes and their jobs, where ever, and that they…and their workplace, for recreation and for hunting and the rest.

So we are not questioning their right to do that.

Sigh…shades of “Are you serious?”  This women used to be the Speaker of the US House and now is the Minority Leader in the US House.  Is it too much to expect that she’d get which Amendment speaks to what issue on one of the top issues of the day?

Then there was Stephanie Cutter (“Propaganda for Obama”) on This Week:

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