Gun manufacturers leaving Colorado – now Connecticut’s turn to lose jobs and tax money?

by Skip

Good title – but this might be just as applicable: Is the US stratifying / splitting over culture and values?  Are the gun grabbers making this go faster?

After all, what good is it to stay in a State that has made it illegal to sell, transfer, or effectively transport your wares?  Or that your neighbors down the street couldn’t buy your product?  Hate to keep harping on it, but Progressivism depends on incrementalism – don’t go for the home run (unless you own all branches of Government) but do the singles all the time….one step by another.  Oh sure, you can sell your wares out of state…  Tomorrow?  Some of the Connecticut gun and firearms manufacturers are confronting that now – like Stag Arms that makes AR-15s which can no longer be sold in Connecticut (reformatting, emphasis mine):

As the Connecticut General Assembly is poised to pass what is being called sweeping gun control legislation, the state’s gun manufacturers say the new laws could be crippling.  “I feel like we have one foot being pushed out the door,” Mark Malkowski, the owner of Stag Arms, said.   Stag Arms in New Britain, which makes the AR-15 rifle, received yet another offer on Tuesday to move out of the state. It brings the total to 21 offers.   “They’re really good offers,” Malkowski said. “They are offering tax abatement’s, they’re offering to build you a factory.”

Lots of Red States, more conservative states, are ACHING to have them move out of Connecticut and to their State.  An offer to build you a factory will be hard to resist.

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