Notable Quote – It’s Unfortunate That “Spontaneous Order” Isn’t Better Recognized

The first peculiarity of a spontaneous order is that by using its ordering forces (the regularity of the conduct of its members) we can achieve an order of a much more complex set of facts than we could ever by deliberate arrangement, but that, while availing ourselves of this possibility of inducing an order of … Read more

Grayscale Photo of People at Market by Danilo Ugaddan Pexels Free to use

“Spontaneous Order Versus “Engineered or Planned”

Most of my Notable Quotes come from Cafe Haye where Prof Don Boudreaux is the main writer. A libertarian economist, he certainly favors people making their own decisions uncoerced from others – especially by Government.

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Notable Quote: Just Leave Us Alone, We Can Figure Out What’s Best for Ourselves

Emphasis mine: “The belief that processes which are consciously directed are necessarily superior to any spontaneous process is an unfounded superstition.”

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Spontaneous Order Hayek

Spontaneous Order vs Top-Down Command Order: differences in a Nursery School

I’m betting you’re a bit puzzled by that title.  How can there be “order” in a Nursery School with two classrooms full of 3, 4, 5, and 6-year-olds (and in the case of the Grandson, the latter two ages)? Complete chaos, yes.

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Notable Quote – Deirdre McCloskey

Mr. Appelbaum says, “the marketplace is not a state of nature.” Yes it is. All humans trade, from about age eight on. The earliest evidence of trade comes from the Blombos Cave in South Africa, 70,000 years ago. The market, he says, “is an artifact of society.” Sure, but so is art and language and … Read more

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