NH state house dome

“IS” Rep Kim Rice Plotting With Dems to Give Away The Republican Majority? [Update]

Remember when Republican NH House Rep Shawn Jaspar made a deal with the Democrats to get the Speaker’s gavel? Not a Republican best-moment in House History. Well, guess what? Rep. Kim Rice has been meeting with Democrat minority leaders to get their votes to do something similar. I’m not sure what that deal looks like, but … Read more

Klueless Ann Kuster

Komrade Kuster has adopted the idea that she is a legislator for life—the Ruling Class DC ambassador to the warm bodies assembled in New Hampshire’s second congressional district every election day.

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toddler dinosaur walking yard

“We Might Do Well to Take a Similar Approach toward Elected Officials”

The rhetorical dust has settled on the business of choosing the new Speaker of the US House of Representatives. It was not exactly what you’d call business as usual, and the usual suspects were quick to feign outrage, and we should not forget.

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Gavel judge ruling

“What a Historic and Wonderful First Week of 2023”

I personally couldn’t be more proud of the courageous 20 House Representatives in DC who risked everything for their constituents AND for those of us who are also disgusted and appalled at the feckless weak Rs in our state and in the DC Swamp… Rs who’ve done little to nothing to “right” the course of the sinking American ship!!!

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US Capitol - caution Original Photo by Andy Feliciotti on Unsplash

US Congress, the Peoples House Proves It’s a Rigged, Uniparty, Dictatorship

This week the American public is seeing in full colors how our country has been taken over. It’s quoted that this hasn’t happened until the last civil war, which could be a foreshadowing of things to come

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Rep Thomas Massie

Let’s Have Rep Thomas Massie (R-KY), age 52, As Speaker of the House

When I have run for Congress (three times), I have announced how I would honor the Constitution. I would, for example, sponsor bills to get rid of the Department of Education and to modify the War Powers Act.

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Kevin McCarthy

Matt Gaetz Explains The Hold Up in the Vote to Elect a Speaker in the US House

To quote myself, from a piece published last night at NH Journal, “Everyone runs on bringing change to Washington DC, but nothing changes. Maybe the folks forgot what change might look like or what was required to get it, and now that it’s here, they find they don’t have the stomach for it.

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