Rand Paul’s Response to Obama’s State of The Union Address

Yes, I have always liked Rand Paul, in case you were curious, and he is my kind of Republican…so in keeping with that, here you go; Rand Paul’s response c/o the Tea Party (though not necessarily as the Tea Party) to El Presidente’ Obama’s State of Delusion the Union Speech.

Looks like Ted had a prime seat…

                H/T @notoserfdom

Status of the Union – a very sorry affair

I tweeted during the whole thing and I’ll put them up later on.  In quickly reviewing them, I think this one sums up the speech the best:

There’s NOTHING that the Federal Government can’t do – and nothing that Obama won’t refuse to have it grab. #GROK #TCOT #NHPOLITICS #SOTU

But you all knew that already, right?  You know that his idea of a perfect community is just you, and government.  Nothing else, for in his Progressives eyes, nothing else  matters or should be needed.  You see, the story of Julia that Obama released during the campaign, how she would rely on government, was not the whole story, was it?  At no time, then or tonight, was there a mention of family helping out, of neighbors helping out, or voluntary associations between other citizens in fraternal organizations or churches, was there?  That act of citizens helping each other OUTSIDE THE SPHERE OF GOVERNMENT that De Toqueville said was the vital strength of America – absent.

No, that kind of America does not exist in your Utopia, does it Mr. Obama?  Instead, it is only a small individual and a Big Government surrounding that person 360.  The intent may be to protect, but that 360 degree wall can also be seen as a cell wall.

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One man’s take on Obama’s SOTU speech (and not a good take either – we are in trouble)

I was still working on the video from Concord, so I did not live blog Obama.  However, I kept noticing the inconsistencies in what he was saying.  Sure, he talks a nice game, and if you are only partially listening, it sounded good.  If you are not politically aware, you might have thought the same.  However, I kept exclaiming to TMEW, over and over, “he just said said the opposite a moment ago”, “wait, he just said WHAT?”, or “Huh?  That makes no sense whatsover based on what he said 10 minutes ago!”.

Thus, when I found this guy, Clark Judge, over at Hugh Hewitt’s blog (reformatted it here), I just had to repost it to show how Obama (or his speech writers) has no clue what happens when you really do think about those inconsistencies:

It sounded like such a soft, even conservative speech.

But let me get this straight:

  1. banks will be punished (do I understand this right, by a committee headed by Eric Holder?) if their lending is too risky,
  2. and they will be required (by the same committee) to give more home loans (meaning, it must be, to people who would otherwise not qualify for the loans, or else the government would not have to be involved) at lower rates (which means rates that do not compensate them as much as the market says they need to be compensated for the risks they are taking, all of which sounds like a new edition of the policies that brought on the financial collapse),
  3. which must mean that they will have to pull back on risky lending someplace other than homes,
  4. the only place that most banks would be able to pull back on riskier customers would be loans to small and new businesses,
  5. but these are the businesses that have created just about all the jobs over the last 20 years and he said early in the speech he wants to encourage them,
  6. Read more

Notable Quote – Gov. Mitch Daniels

“The President’s grand experiment in trickle-down government has held back rather than sped economic recovery. He seems to sincerely believe we can build a middle class out of government jobs paid for with borrowed dollars. In fact, it works the other way: a government as big and bossy as this one is maintained on the … Read more

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