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The Jab: A Rite of Passage

Having shown pictures of my late parents to my kids recently – my father died long before my current marriage and my mother got to hold her first grandchild for less than a year before she passed – I was reminiscing about her and how, for her 50th birthday, my father arranged a grand surprise party.

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Sorry, you’re wrong – leave the kids out of it.

by Skip

I’ve said for years that kids shouldn’t be involved in politics on either side of the aisle and when politicians and partisans do so (e.g., elementary kids marching with signs for one argument or another and you KNOW they haven’t a clue). All they’re doing is using kids as political pawns and its wrong. The … Read more

Notable Quote – Plus!: On Restraining the ‘Passions of Men’

Quintin Hogg - Author of The Case for Conservatism
Quintin Hogg

“For Conservative thinkers believe that man is corrupt, that his appetites need restraint, and that the forces of custom, authority, law, and government, as well as moral discipline, are required to keep sin in check.”

-Quintin Hogg




John Adams
John Adams

“Experience has ever shown, that education, as well as religion, aristocracy, as well as democracy and monarchy, are, singly, totally inadequate to the business of restraining the passions of men, of preserving a steady government, and protecting the lives, liberties, and properties of the people.”

-John Adams


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