As a parental rights advocate in New Hampshire, I talk to parents frequently about the challenges their children face in our public schools. I offer them advice on how to navigate some of those challenges, like opting out of objectionable materials assigned to their children.
Articles tagged as
Sex Ed
Sex Ed vs. Sexualizing Your Children
There always seems to be a raging debate between parents when it comes to sex education for their children. It seems odd that any parents would be relying upon their local school district to educate their children, but some parents feel it’s ok to hand their responsibility over to people working in the local school.
When Asking Your Schools About CRT Inquire about Sex Ed Programs (Provided by ETR and Associates?) has a great piece called the Boards and the Bees. It’s a mind-boggling look behind the sex-ed curtain in your public schools. A world committed to sexualizing kids as soon as they enter grammar school.
“Schools Teaching Fifth Grade and up Must Maintain a Condom Availability Program”…?
The Educational Professionals have been perverting our little ones for years. I generally don’t post stuff up like this because of my Rule #1 but in this case, it’s time to PROTECT our kids.