WI School Shooting: Dems Show Us Their A** Again!

Alleged shooter Natalie Rupnow, age 15, underage and unable to legally possess or own a handgun, illegally obtained a firearm, entered a gun-free zone at Abundant Life Christian School in Wisconsin, and opened fire on a classroom before allegedly using the gun to kill herself. Six were injured, and three died (one of which is … Read more

School Bus Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

Comedian Has an Idea About How to End School Shootings.

I’ve had similar thoughts (along this line) and shared them here, but this was still very amusing to me. Delivery and timing help. And the audience thinks it’s funny, probably because what he has to say sounds absurd but actually makes sense by the time he’s done with the gag.

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Warning staff is armed

Why not our schools?

I’m tired of millions of law-abiding citizens with no relationship to school shooters or responsibility for protecting schools being blamed rather than the shooters themselves and those people with the authority, ability, and responsibility to stop these criminals.

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Warning staff is armed

NH’s School Safety Task Force Came Up With 59 Recommendations Just Not the One That Works

After Parkland, New Hampshire created a School Safety Taskforce. Its job was to meet, discuss, and make recommendations on improving safety or reducing the chance of an active shooter event. They came up with 59 suggestions but left out the one they needed.

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Govt.-Funded News Outlet Finds Most School Shootings in Fed Report Didn’t Occur

NPR went on a little crusade to explore school shooting data from a federal report only to discover that most of the ‘shootings’ never happened.

In an amusing story, a government-funded media outlet notorious for its liberal slant found that the overwhelming majority of school shootings listed in a federal report never occurred. The embarrassing blunder involves Department of Education (DOE) figures stating that schools around the U.S. reported an alarming 235 shootings in one year.

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As good liberals, Obama and Biden are pushing for more anti-gun laws. Logical?

Mass shootings can be and have been stopped in the past…

How? Ann Coulter explains how HERE. Basically, all that is needed is…

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There are no school massacres in Israel…

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