What if Parents ask Gun-Related Questions, Comrade Mrs Newman?

My reps and two-time opponents, Comrades Mr & Mrs Newman, have a history of ignoring emails. Normally, I don’t email them, but my personal email history with them started in October 2021 following the executive council arrests. With them and the Damn Emperor being on opposite sides of the aisle (on paper, at least), I mistakenly thought conversation could be had about that incident.

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parents kids kitchen Photo by August de Richelieu httpswww.pexels.comphotofamily-making-breakfast-in-the-kitchen

Should Teachers Lie to Parents? Democrats in New Hampshire say YES

Another blow to parental rights is taking place in The New Hampshire House and Senate. SB341 is a simple and logical proposed Bill. SB341 would require all school employees to respond honestly and completely to written requests by parents regarding information relating to their children.

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