Berlin NH SAU 3 website

SAU 3 Berlin – Well, Shining a Big Flashlight Actually Works!

by Skip

In the previous post of this series, SAU 3 Berlin – Trying To Mollify Me That A Card Catalog Isn’t What I Know It To Be (Parsing, Much Parsing), I ended my email to SAU 3’s hired lawyer, Barbara Loughman this way: Right now, you are needlessly spending valuable taxpayer money in stalling for time … Read more

Berlin NH SAU 3 website

SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK. Pushback.

by Skip

Well, I did make a request for the card catalog for SAU3/Berlin, NH – a single entity that describes the books/other materials that are considered to be the “library collection” (“SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK“). Sidenote: when dealing with a School District, always, ALWAYS first deal with the School Board members.  THEY … Read more

Berlin NH SAU 3 website

SAU 3 Berlin – Public School Library RTK

by Skip

Well, the elections are over, mostly (recounts here in NH this week and this bastardization of Election Day by the Democrats just seems interminable with “oh, another box of mailed-in ballots has just been “found”), so it is time to get back to work, mostly.

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