GrokTV – Panel Discussion: Making your vote count – Q&A Part 1

I have chopped up the videos of the Question and Answer period into different posts (as there were a number of topics on which there were questions).  Please note that sometimes the video title “might” not be quite accurate in that often, as these things go, the discussion of the original question quickly morphs to other tangents.  But hey, it’s better that way when you are the panelist / audience member than the video editor!):

  • Quick Riff: Will other Democrats be allowed to use the Obama DB (example: former DNC Chair Terry McAuliffe running for VA Guv)
  • Low information voters and Same Day registrations
  • Don’t wait for NH Govt to catch Voter Fraud – go “James O’Keefe” and use Right To Know requests to embarrass them to do so.
  • Same Day registrations in Rye


Use of Obama DB                                         Low Info Voters / Same Day Registrations

The other videos and previous videos from the day after the jump:

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GrokTV Event: Project Veritas founder, James O’Keefe speaks on voter fraud / NH criminal grand jury subpoena issued yesterday.

This afternoon, the Rye Republican Town Committee held their “Gala Reception for 2012 GOP Candidates” at the Abenaqui Country Club in Rye, NH and GraniteGrok was there to livestream the event. Given such a name, a number of NH GOP candidates for seats in 2012 did attend the sold-out crowd of about 250.  However, the … Read more

Fascilitators & Organizers

The Foster’s (It’s Australian for Beeyah!) Daily Democrat, gave GraniteGrok some ink this morning regarding James O’Keefe’s “appearance” at a Rye Republican GOP event yesterday…(That’s Rye NH, not the grass or the spirits, though perhaps the humor.) O’Keefe’s video appearance Sunday was facilitated by the conservative political website Granite Grok, which provided live video coverage … Read more

GrokTV Event: Live blogging at the Rye Republican Town Committee

There’s GOT to be a conservative TEA Party leaning person showing up for RRTC (Diane Bitter, Chair (and new NH GOP Assistant Secretary) at this event, so GraniteGrok is here.  We were asked if we could provide live stream and record the event by ‘Grok friend Diane, so we are attempting to oblige.  Unfortunately, the … Read more

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