How fun is this. Democrats, you remember them? Russia used Facebook to “buy” the Election for Trump, yadda-yadda. It looks like they take lessons from their ideological brethren. While ranting about the Ruskies spending rubels on Facebook ads, the American Left was creating fake Russian accounts to influence the Alabama Senate Race.
Clinton Fixer Blows Hole in Dossier – Russia Collusion Narrative
The debunked Steele Dossier was the driving force behind the special counsel investigation into the Trump administration. Herr Mueller, for all his work, has a few process crimes and a lot of press but nothing relating to why he was appointed. So, is it a big deal that Clinton Family fixer Lanny Davis just hollowed out the dossier and left it to rot at the bottom of the Potomac?
Jeff Sessions Out as AG – Trump Asked, Sessions Resigned
Sessions departure was inevitable. In fact, we predicted it, mostly because mid-term changes are not unsusal and Sessions recusal from Mueller’s circus made him a liability. Fingering Sessions for a departure was like betting the odds that Democrats will try to raise your taxes. No-brainer. Matt Whitaker is the acting AG, and he thinks Mueller is on … Read more
More Democrat Russian Collusion
From John Solomon at The Connections between Steele, his dossier, the Clinton campaign that paid for it, a Russian with ties to Putin, and a high-ranking Trump-hating DOJ official whose wife worked for Fusion GPS
(Russian Oligarch Oleg) Deripaska would get another visit from his FBI friends in New York. But this time the questions were about possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. Specifically, the agents told Deripaska they believed Trump’s former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, was secretly coordinating the election with Moscow.
Bob Mueller: Looking for Collusion in All The Wrong Places
A lot of folks have been picking at the edges of this for a while, but the thing is starting to unravel. The FBI spy planted in the Trump campaign, Stefan Halper, has deep ties to Russia, the Clintons, Steele, and others. And he had a job to do.
(Adam Lovinger attorney Sean) Bigley suspects it was more than the Clinton-connected contracts adding, “Mr. Lovinger unwittingly shined a spotlight on the deep state’s secret weapon – Stefan Halper – and threatened to expose the truth about the Trump-Russia collusion narrative than being plotted: that it was all a set-up.”
Adam Lovinger questioned a one million dollar payout to Halper to ‘write papers’ for the Pentagon and for his curiosity got his clearance revoked.
Mueller Still has Nothing And Mueller is the Proof of That.
Robert Mueller’s mandate as special prosecutor is to investigate and prosecute legitimate cases of “collusion” between ‘Russians’ and the Trump Campaign. He has been at it for a few years now and despite the occasional media-friendly announcements of charges or indictments ‘Mueller’ still has nothing.
How do we know this?
US Senator from NH (Representing Non-resident College Students) Is Interested in “Russian” Meddling?
Not long ago, US Senator Jeanne Shaheen would barely open her mouth about anything in DC other than to announce how much free Federal money she could steer to our state. Suddenly, she is a foreign intelligence hound dog. Tax and Spend Jeanne wants the transcripts of President Trump’s private meeting with Putin.
President Trump excused from the meeting staff that would typically sit in on (but possibly leak) conversations from a private meeting with Mr. Putin. Trump did this so he could talk to Putin in confidence. Smart move now that we know our revered intelligence community elites tapped his communications.
Mueller Finally Indicts Some Russians Who Won’t Send Lawyers To Demand Discovery
Back in March, the House Intelligence Committee issued a “Report On Russian Active Measures,” to the intelligence community. Their findings were ignored or mocked by the media and Democrats. But as Mr. Trump was preparing to meet Mr. Putin, Bob Mueller publicly announced the indictment of 12 Russian military intelligence officials. Big news claims the media and Democrats. Big news.
Except that it is based on a report the Republican Majority House Intelligence committee released back in March to boos and cat-calls from those applauding Mueller today.
Mueller Files Motion To Hide Evidence From Parties He Has Indicted
From the “we’re already ignoring the Constitution” files, Minister of Mopery, Herr Mueller, has decided that he can indict people without having to provide evidence for the indictment to those he has charged.
Special counsel Robert Mueller and his deputy Rush Atkinson filed a 14-page motion Tuesday arguing that the government shouldn’t have to release certain evidence to indicted Russian company Concord Management and Consulting LLC due to ongoing “interference operations” against the United States.
In the United States, criminal defendants are entitled–by virtue of an almost sacred right–to view the evidence used against them. This right undergirds the basic foundation of America’s adversarial legal system.
Remember when Obama assured us that Russia had promised that Syria’s chemical weapons were no more? They weren’t. Assad used them on his own people. Collusion! (That’s a Russsssia Joke, get it?)
But Syriaously, folks. Chemical weapons in Syria were this big deal. Chemical Weapons everywhere are a big deal but mostly in places where leaders-for-life and their strong-men like to dispose of them on the locals as a lesson. The Bamster told us about this Red Line thing (don’t you dare use chemical weapons), which Assad repeatedly crossed without consequence.
Well, not entirely.
A Really Righteous Russian Tampering Round-up
Mike Rogers offers a recap of the Russia, Russia, Russia story from memos, to dossiers, to indictments, Uranium deals, distilling it all down in short order.
Steve Bannon on the Russians, Republicans, and Collusion
A quick 45 second sound bite from Steve Bannon from the 603 Alliance fundraiser on Russia, Republicans, and collusion.
GT-Flashback March 1st, 2014
Those who ignore history and all that, right. So here’s our podcast from March 1st, 2014 with conversations on Crimea, Medicaid Expansion, Bondage and Submission sex videos for teens, and Democrats oppressing speech.
Video of Meteor Exploding Over Russia
There are reports from Russia that as many as 900 people have been injured, and many windows shattered (see possible effect and then cause relationship there) after a meteor(s) exploded just above the ground in the Ural region.
More video on the jump
Clinton a “Finest” Secretary of State? Ridiculous!!
President Obama says Secretary Clinton has been one of our country’s finest Secretaries of State. Huh?? Is the President now smoking something other than cigarettes?
Is the world safer, more peaceful, are threats reduced, is our country more respected around the world, are people more free than they were when Hillary took over as Secretary of State? No, no, no, no and no!
The Middle East is in turmoil and the power of radical Muslims is increasing (with our help!!). Non-aggressive governments in Egypt and Libya have been replaced, with Hillary’s and Obama’s help, with anti-American governments that want to destroy Israel. The Obama administration armed al Queda affiliates in Libya and Syria.
What does 70 below zero look like?
You haven’t read this story in every mainstream media outlet, every day, on every front page this last week.
It’s those damned Russians: They’re at at it again!
What’s the problem, you ask? Well, like I say, it’s the Russians! They’re…
It’s those wacko right-wingers again!
Here’s a nifty quiz: Which world leader is the following quote referring to? “He could never have imagined anyone so ignorant or so willing to destroy their people like Obama…
Stop START then re-START
New Hampshire Senator Jeanne Shaheen chews up a large chunk of the Sunday Union Leader’s opinion page to sell us on president Obama’s START treaty with Russia. Most of the words revolve around suggesting this will enhance security, that it is a good deal for America, and that there are a busload of experts, past and current military, former Secretaries of State, ex-presidents and sundry others who agree that this Treaty should be ratified. But a few things stand between taking this at face value and moving forward on her recommendation.
First, Mr. Obama, a man who has excelled at degrading his own country, and minimizing its global influence, wants it real bad. Not a good sign.
Second, look at the context. What would we say if this was George Bush, wasting political energy and government time and resources, to advance something like this when we should have all our attention on the failure of the debt commission to agree to its own recommendations? Should we not still have all eyes and all hands dealing with a looming tax increase that could send the economy into a bigger tailspin just a few weeks from now? What about the deficit? Where is the laser like focus? Why not job growth polices–other than using the extension of unemployment benefits for class warfare against opponents who just want it paid for from some dark corner of Obama’s multi-trillion dollar budget or one of his many slush funds. Why START now?
Third, and this ties into the first, START is to strategic nuclear security what Obamacare was to Health care. Its pursuit appears almost Pyrrhic, as if the victory must come regardless of the cost. So this is not a strategic defense effort, it is just another feather in Obama’s agenda cap. And with the brakes now being applied to his agenda come January 3rd, he is more obsessed with the Obama of history than the one responsible for national, and based on how they are selling it, Global security.
But like everything else that comes out of the administration or the drooling mouths of the party lap-dogs assigned to promote it, this is predicated on their standard template. "We can’t just do nothing" and "Things could be worse."
If we search the landscape of the Obama Presidency however, neither of these ideas is compelling. If we actually look at what Obama is willing to pass off as ‘doing something,’ it looks as if he has just bowed to another foreign leader, only this time over a nuclear weapons treaty.