While China and Iran continue to wage an indirect war against the United States of America, they wait and watch. Can it be true? Will the United States crumble from within so that they can win the war against America without waging World War III?
Russ Wiles
Night Cap: Castigating Christians with a Broad Brush
What is Christian Nationalism, Exactly? This was the heading of an article by N.Y. Times writer David French. The article was a response to the new documentary entitled “God and Country”. Christian Nationalism is supposedly this belief that the “fate of the church is closely tied to the outcome of any political election.”
Night Cap: Transgenderism Madness
I just retired after 35 years of working in the human service field. I was appalled at the lack of truthfulness, informed consent, and irrational fear that was foisted upon citizens by the medical bureaucrats during the Covid pandemic years. Their many lies are coming to light with Lord Fauci, Patron Saint of Wuhan, merely the idolized figurehead.
When Will Republicans Stand Up to the Party That Hates America?
How much longer must we suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune from the political party that hates this country and hates us? You know, those of us who continue to do the difficult work of feeding, fueling, and defending this nation while the Hate America Party calls us racist, sexist, binary Neanderthals and climate deniers.