NH Pussy hat Democrat Circus

Rep. Kevin Verville Destroys NH Dems for Trying to Change the Rules

The Democrat Majority New Hampshire House had to finish all its business by Thursday, March 12th. Because Democrats are incapable of running anything – unless you mean into the ground – they F-d it up. Some have since tried to blame Republicans.

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Trillion Dollar Omnibus Spending Bill

The Trillion Dollar Omnibus Returns

The trillion dollar omnibus spending bill returns! Hoo-ray! Omnibus:om·ni·bus/ˈämnəˌbəs/Learn to pronounce adjective 1. comprising several items. “Congress passed an omnibus anticrime spending package” (reformatted, Google Dictionary) Ah, a trillion dollar spending bill. It actually comes with a second part. Collectively, the two bills are two thousand three hundred and thirteen pages. 2,313. Congress critters are … Read more

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