root cause

FB Doodlings – Who chooses?

by Skip

In almost all things, I try to view events or happenings of the day from base Principles. I guess it is the engineer in me combined with having watched, as a political blogger, too many politicians, and bureaucrats say and do say lots of words to get you to “oh, ok” WITHOUT necessarily allowing you to realize “ok…WHAT???”

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Government Spending Reform

The issue Higher taxes are not the solution to our out-of-control spending. Taxes are over $3 trillion this year. Our deficit will be over $1 trillion. Raising all taxes by one third only allows us to balance the budget. How ugly is that? It would not allow us to put a dent in our debt. … Read more

Quick Thought – Role of the State; what about Liberties?

by Skip

From Tim’s post:

the New Deal settlement has been reshaping Americans’ expectations about the nation-state’s reach and role. Consequently, the U.S. federal government will continue to provide a social safety net, regulate the economy, and shoulder a substantial share of responsibility for safeguarding the social and economic bases of political equality.

The State is responsible for two things:

  • Respecting and protecting our Rights and Freedom
  • Protecting individuals

Even with some of the most restrictive gun laws in the nation,

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