Skip's Sauntering Snippets Podcast

Skips Sauntering Snippets Trust (or lack thereof) and Politicians Special Edition

Skips Sauntering Snippets Trust (or lack thereof) and Politicians Special Edition We used to be a high Trust (and honesty) Society. Woe to us as we are rapidly moving to a low Trust one and more to an “Us vs Them” (especially as in “Politicians are their own Special Interest Group”). Doubt me? Our nation’s … Read more

Hmm, is it legal for Illinois legislators to make US Currency illegal? And register your gold purchases?

Gold Bars

What ever happened to:


A most disturbing post over at Zero Hedge – Illinois legislators think that gold is about on par with guns – you have to register your purchase and you cannot pay in cash (SB3144).  It’s sorta like, well, they want to track who has what. After all, Obama’s Progressive Hero, Franklin Delano Roosevelt confiscated all private property gold on April 5, 1933 simply by issuing an Executive Order.

“…Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall obtain a proof of ownership, create a record of the sale, and verify the identity of the seller. Provides that a person who is in the business of purchasing precious metal shall not pay for the precious metal in cash and shall record the method of payment.” (SB3144)

From the post, this pithy summary:

“So let me get this straight.  First they want gun registration and now precious metal registration?  I’m sure the government would only use such information in our best interests, because as we all know: Your Government Loves You.  Sounds reasonable, after all, only ‘terrorists’ buy guns and gold anyway.”

And you have to do that registration either at a Sheriff’s or Police station.  Gee, do you know what kind of database THEY have access to?  Hint: it ain’t the SEC, the Fed, the IRS, or Treasury.  I wonder whose database you’d end up in if you insisted on cash?

Let Rick Santelli ‘splain it to you:

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Lunatics? To NOT spend more than what the US can repay?

$16 Trillion for our national debt.  A whole ton of money, which I’m not entirely sure that IF (and that is a mighty BIG IF) our CongressCritters and President were truly serious about our financial affairs, we could pay back in any kind of reasonable time frame.  But actions to date have proven that Obama is continuing his policy of Determined Weakness, other Progressives are hoping for a Cloward-Pivens moment, and Establishment Republicans continue to be “Appropriators” (that is, people who figure out how to spend other peoples’s monies).  The only folks that seem to be extremely serious (and scared out of their gourds) are TEA Party type ConcressCritters who realize that a 2% change in interest rates on our debt could Greece look like a lawn party.

So, who is the lunatic here?  I’ll side with Rick Santelli (emphasis mine):

The analyst said that the only obstacle he sees to the continued expansion of the U.S. economy were “lunatic Republicans” who may bring about an “insane technical default” when they attempt to negotiate spending cuts as part of a deal to increase the debt ceiling limit.

 “That’s the worry here,” Evans concurred. “Will we have a self-inflicted wound – a gunshot to the head?”

Right, so forget HOW much is on the national credit card and the “lunatics” that say we need to say stop – we HAVE to keep spending !!!!  These folks are all about paying what we have spent, and I’m ok with that.  What is missing in their equation is the adult part of this – and here, Rick Santelli again lends himself to the “adult in the room” scenario that is absolutely missing here:

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