Biden-Regime Resettling Illegal Aliens Throughout United States (as Part of the STEAL of the 2022 Election)

THIS: And what are GOP “leaders” doing in response …. absolutely NOTHING … unless you count droning on about business tax rates as somehow responsive to changing the demographics of the United States in order to give the Communists permanent political power.

Ann Corcoran

Ann Corcoran from Refugee Resettlement Watch answers questions about refugee placement, gives her thoughts on links to terrorism, tells us what states are pushing back, and who is ultimately responsible for all of it.  

The Refugee Resettlement Agenda Part II

We continue our discussion with Author James Simpson on the Reg-Green Axis, Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.  

The Refugee Resettlement Agenda Part I

Author James Simpson, joins us to discuss his new book Red-Green Axis Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.  

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