Has Joe Biden Sold Out Our Country?

To Democrats, that suggestion may seem outlandish, maybe even shameful. They might say that to suggest an American President could betray his own country is unpatriotic, and un-American. They’d say it’s the kind of rhetoric we might expect from the fringe elements of our society – anti-government fanatics, conspiratorialists, perpetual malcontents. They’d probably include most … Read more


The SPLC Is A Radical Organization

The Republican National Committee is adopting a new resolution. It is “refuting the legitimacy of the Southern Poverty Law Center to identify hate groups.” The resolution denounces the organization as a whole. It focuses on the Obama-Biden administration’s relationship with the group.

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Joe Biden’s Courage to Conform

Joe Biden’s supporters have called him a man of courage. The late John Lewis used those very words to describe him shortly after Biden jumped into the presidential race.  Nancy Pelosi went a little further, calling Biden the “personification of hope and courage, values, authenticity, and integrity.”

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Passionate and Clueless

Youthful Idiots and the Illusory Truth Effect

Watching the news coverage of the ongoing riots, I couldn’t help notice a couple of things.  First, was the anger, the feral vitriol directed at the police on the scene.  It was apparent in the faces and the actions of the rioters and in the signs scattered about, hateful signs like, “Blue Lives Murder,” and “Good Cops Are Dead Cops.”

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Shariah versus the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Is Islam A Violent Religion? How can you tell who’s radical?

Should you paint all Muslims with a broad brush? All Muslims don’t hold pernicious beliefs. But of the more than a billion and a half Muslims in the world some do. How do we, non-believers make sense of what’s going on? What’s the right question here? The PC position is that Muslims are tolerant and … Read more

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