Steve MacDonald

A Bleg for Steve Mac Donald, if you would

UPDATE and BUMPED: I’m happy to announce that Steve is now home and doing better. Whatever it was (and the medical folks are unsure), it was not a heart attack or effects from the first one. As he wrote, everything is in the green. ************** As most of you know, Steve had a heart attack … Read more

Which Side Are You On?

Notable Quote – what kind of life do you desire? A variant of “Who Chooses?”

The issue, of course, was that there have always been two kinds of people:  those who agree with Chris Sununu that merely prolonging life trumps every other consideration; and those who agree with General John Stark that there’s little point in prolonging life if it means giving up the freedom to live that life the … Read more

Shariah versus the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

The Basic Tenets of Islam’s Five Pillars

The basic tenets of Islam’s five Pillars are not arbitrary religious rights individually collected by Islamic tradition. Believers accept that they are a perfect. Believers accept they are holistic interlocking of spiritual practices divinely designed to engage human beings; in all that they are, all that they should be and can once again be. Sort … Read more

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