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Bloomberg News on Inflation: Eat Lentils and Let Your Pets Die

Billionaire-owned news outlet Bloomberg says Americans should cope with soaring inflation by eating lentils instead of meat and saving on vet bills by letting their pets die. The article, headlined Inflation Stings Most If You Earn Less Than $300K.

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Deep State: “It’s like they think the law doesn’t apply to them.”

Deep StateGlenn Reynolds, proprietor at Instapundit, built his reputation, influence, and ranking as a news aggregator in doing zillions of links with just a sentence or two describing what it’s for or commenting on the content at the link.  Seldom, VERY seldom, does he do a looong abstract from the piece he’s linking to.  Given the length of what he did quote, it’s important and I’m reproducing it here: The Dishonesty Of The Deep State:

I’ve seen President Clinton deny he had a relationship with “that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” I’ve seen President Obama assure people they will get to keep their doctor under ObamaCare. And I’ve seen former press secretary Sean Spicer declare that President Trump’s inaugural crowd was larger than Obama’s.

But these falsehoods pale in comparison to the performances of a series of “deep state” witnesses who have combined chutzpah with balderdash, culminating so far in the testimony of FBI agent Peter Strzok.

Let’s review just some of the highlights.

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