The Brass Check - Upton Sinclair FI

“The Buying Up Of Legislatures And Assemblies To Keep Them From Doing The People’s Will”

As it ever has been…

“Year by year the cost of living increases, and wages, if they move at all, move laggingly, and after desperate and embittered strife. Day by day the money-masters of America become more aware of their danger, they draw together, they grow more class-conscious, more aggressive.

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THIS is the end result of creating a modern “welfare state”

You voted for it, over and over. You wanted “free stuff” from the government. You thought “we’re a rich country, we can afford it.” You have voted crooks and fraudsters into power again and again. Now you will face the result of creating a so-called “welfare state.” Enjoy the future, suckers.

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