Do Republicans Have ANY Political Commercials?

One of my kids announced the other day that they were sick and tired of all the political commercials on YouTube. There are tons of them, and they are all from Democrats attacking Republicans. He asked me if they were running on anything. I said yes – attacking Republicans. There is the odd “I did … Read more

Sky News YouTube Screen Grab - woke far left politicians

Political Ad – “Stop the Insanity”

Sky News Australia has a segment that includes a very powerful political ad created by a group called Citizens for Sanity. The focus? The political left’s obsession with giving criminals more rights than everyday, law-abiding Americans.

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10 Political Ads this Decade – Which is the Best/Worst?

Yep, end of the decade coming up – so I’ll post a few “best of” posts over the next couple days. Let’s start with Political Ads. 2010: Dale Peterson, Alabama Ag Commissioner 2011: Have you slept with Rick Perry? Apparently someone wants to know. 2012: Paul Ryan kills Grandma 2013: Minneapolis Mayor “Wake the F— … Read more

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