10 Political Ads this Decade – Which is the Best/Worst?


Yep, end of the decade coming up – so I’ll post a few “best of” posts over the next couple days.

Let’s start with Political Ads.

2010: Dale Peterson, Alabama Ag Commissioner

2011: Have you slept with Rick Perry? Apparently someone wants to know.

Offer not valid for enabling wives wearing Hillary Clinton boots. Note to gay people: If you know the truth about Rick, please QUIT covering for him.

2012: Paul Ryan kills Grandma

2013: Minneapolis Mayor “Wake the F— Up!”

2014: If you have a Boehner lasting more than 23 years seek Medical Attention

Bonus 2014: Honest Politician (Parody)

2015: Cruz Christmas Classics

Bonus 2015: America’s Liberty PAC – SUNDAY SUNDAY SUNDAY

2016: PLEASE Elect my Husband

2017: Helmer Zone

2018: Cocaine Mitch gets Blankenship’d

2019: Honest Government


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