New Hampshire Democrats Doth Protest Too Much

Kimberly Morin joins me to discuss the New Hampshire Democrat Party getting their jimmies rustled over NH House Rep Victoria Sullivan Tweeting a Hitler quote that should have had them applauding seeing as it’s exactly the sort of thing they support. You can find more listening options for this episode on the original blog post … Read more

From Obama and Holder to Trayvon Martin and Nickolas Cruz

They should have seen Nickolas Cruz ‘coming’ a mile away but no one paid attention because beginning under Barack Obama and Eric Holder they were trained not to look too hard and not to see too much. Mike Rogers joins me to explain. More ways to listen on the original blog post page

The Interviews, Week Ending 3-3-2018

Another week’s worth of interviews in one convenient package on topics from parents, kids and the culture, gender equality legislation, the epic breakdown in Broward County, catching vote-stealers, and building up a political website with reach. (Plus, an extra six minutes with CNHT chairman Ed Naile.) More ways to listen from the blog post page or … Read more

“Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire.”

I’m joined by Skip Murphy to discuss’s rapid rise in reach since the beginning of the year and how we are finally living up to the tagline I convinced him to put on the home page several years ago. “Dominating the Political Bandwidth in New Hampshire.” Find more ways to listen on the blog page … Read more

A Connecticut Voter in Ed Naile’s ‘Court’

Isabella Arms is an out-of-state tuition paying UNH student who registered and voted in Connecticut’s presidential primary and then voted in the general election in New Hampshire. Ed Naile has all the details.

Coward County Florida

Mike Rogers walks us through the serial failures of our self-proclaimed overseers in the Parkland shooting. Some surprising media reaction. The useful idiots. And more. Find more listneing options here.

The Trans-Bill is Back and There’s Gonna Be Trouble…

The Trans-Bill is back (HB 1319) as Kimberly Morin joins me to talk about the legislation, how it threatens actual rights, violates women’s privacy, carves out special exceptions, and why we don’t even need it. You can find other ways to listen here.

The Truth No One Wants to Hear

New Hampshire House Assistant Majority Leader Victoria Sullivan joins me to discuss kids culture and violence in the wake of the recent Florida shootings, with a focus on her recent article at NH Political, “The Truth No One Wants to Hear.” Find more ways to listen at the original blog post, here.

GrokTALK! – The Compilation Podcast: Week Ending 2-24-2018

This week’s special guest is Phil Kerpen form American commitment. We also have interviews on a Transbathroom policy in a local school district, municipal malfeasance, gun grabbing gun grabbers, and an excellent synopsis of the entire Moooueller investigation (so far). You can also listen from the original blog post page here.

Windham School Board Gets Right To Know Request On Trans-Bathroom Policy

Skip Murphy explains his first (of perhaps several) Right to Know requests to a Windham School Board that has rammed through transgender bathroom rules without following district policy. Listen from the original blog post page here.

The Obama Portraits And an Olympic Love Affair With Little Miss Kim

Some thoughts on the new Obama Portraits and the Western Media’s slobbering love affair with a Nork Propaganda Princess. You can also listen from the original blog post page here.

Municipal Corruption in New Boston

Ed Naile from the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers joins me to discuss municipal corruption in New Boston. This podcast is the only media on this issue anywhere. News 9 mysteriously pulled their story. You can also Listen on the original Blog post page here.

Tax Reform: A Triple Victory for the American People.

Phil Kerpen from American Commitment joins me to explain why he believes the recent Tax Cuts and Jobs Act signed into law is a triple victory for the American people.   You can also listen in from the orginal blog post page here.

The Left’s One-Trick Donkey – Gun Control!

Kimberly Morin is back to talk about how the predictable rantings of liberal hoplophobes and their obsession with a dangerous political agenda make a serious conversation about mental health and violence impossible. You can find the original blog post here.

A Really Righteous Russian Tampering Round-up

Mike Rogers offers a recap of the Russia, Russia, Russia story from memos, to dossiers, to indictments, Uranium deals, distilling it all down in short order.

The Interviews – Week Ending 2-17-2018

Another week, another great list of guests, all together in one convenient podcast. This week: Ellen Kolb, Kimberly Morin, Susan Olsen, Elliot Axelman, Raheel Raza, and Skip Murphy. Original post page here – where you can find more ways to listen

New Hampshire’s New Minister of Happy Meals

Skip Murphy joins me to discuss HB 1668, the soda ban bill that empowers the nanny state to micro-manage yet another aspect our existence. What beverage restaurants can allow parents to order with kids meals? View or listen on the original blog post page here.

If the Tax On Income Isn’t Troubling Enough…

The proposed Family Medical leave legislation will create an income tax but there’s plenty more wrong with this bill if the tax isn’t enough. Elliott Axelman joins me to discuss the many troubling facets of this awful piece of legislation (HB 628). Original Blog Page Post can be Found Here

SB500: Cleaning up Firearms Language in State Statute

Susan Olsen joins me this week to discuss Kevin Avard’s Bill, SB 500: an Act amending references to firearms terminology. We talk about the proposed changes, testimony, support and opposition to the legislation.

Combating the Islamic Radicalization of American Youth

Raheel Raza from the Clarion project joins me to discuss their campaign to prevent the spread of radical Islamic ideology and violence among American children and youth.

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