Firearms Legislation Update: House Hearing on SB500

Susan Olsen returns to provide an update from yesterday’s hearing in the New Hampshire House for SB500. Legislation to amend firearms terminology in state Statute. (We even toss in a fashion alert on that “retired” resource officer from Parkland, Florida.) Check out the blog post of this podcast for more ways to listen.

Banning Female Genital Mutilation

There is a State Senate Judiciary Committee hearing today on HB 1739, An Act prohibiting female genital mutilation in New Hampshire. Kimberly Morin joins me to talk about the bill, the root of the practice and who did and did not speak in favor of banning the practice in the Granite State. Visit the original … Read more

Trade Wars and Revolving Doors

Mike Rogers joins me to explore Trump’s revolving door at the White House (Not such a bad thing). Then it’s on to the political establishment’s reaction to steel and aluminum tariffs. Good, bad, the analysis might surprise you. Check out the original blog post for more ways to listen.

The Interviews – Week Ending 3-17-2018

This week our guests include CNHT chairman Ed Naile, Daren Bakst from the Heritage Institute, Pro-Life activist Ellen Kolb, and Kimberly Morin. On topics from the Second Amendment, liberal malfeasance, water rights, free speech, and compelled speech. Visit the original blog post for more ways to listen.  

A Classic Case of Compelled Speech by Local Government

The Chairman of the Coalition of New Hampshire Taxpayers explains the how, what, where, and why of a clear-cut case of compelled speech by local government officials in New Hampshire. Learn what to look for and what to do when it happens in your town. Visit the original blog post for more ways to listen.

Fixing Obama Era EPA Overreach – The Waters of the US Rule

Daren Bakst,  The Heritage Foundation’s research fellow in agricultural policy, joins me to discuss Obama Era EPA overreach and the Water of the US Rule. Where we are (everything from a lake to a puddle can be regulated). What Congress can or should do. And what if anything you can do to help.  

The First Amendment Doesn’t Apply to You If You Are Pro-Life

Freelance writer, pro-life activist Ellen Kolb joins me to discuss compelled speech and the case of NIFLA v Becerra which challenges a California Law the forces pro-life clinics to advertise state-funded abortion services. Visit the original blog post for more ways to listen. 

Jane Cormier Announces Run for Executive Council in District 4 At WDLNH 2A Event

During her remarks at the Women’s Defense League 2A Rally, former NH Right to Life President Jane Cormier announces his bid for the District 4 Executive Council (EC) seat and explains a bit about what the EC is and does. Visit the original blog pose of this podcast for more ways to listen.

Second Amendment Rally Used by NH Media to Pimp Gun-Grabbing Narratives

Kimberly Morin joins me to discuss the NH Media “response” to the Women’s Defense League’s 2A Rally last weekend and how they can’t just report on the event. They have to make it about dishonest progressive, gun-grabbing narratives. Visit the original blog post for more ways to listen.

Michelle Levell – Security Theater

Michelle Levell, the chairman of the women’s defense league, speaks to the problem of Security theater, that dog and pony show put on by the left where they pretend to do something that ultimately makes us less safe, just so they can nibble away at our constitutional rights. For more ways to listen visit the … Read more

Kimberly Morin: Keynote Speech – Women’s Defense League 2A Rally

Kimberly Morin delivers the closing speech at this year’s 4th Annual Women’s Defense League Second Amendment Rally in Concord, New Hampshire. Check out the original blog post of this podcast for more ways to listen.

Lisa Freemen – Save New Hampshire!

NH State Representative Lisa Freeman a political refugee from the socialist state of Marxachusetts reminds us that we need to do everything we can to save New Hampshire. Check out the original blog post for more ways to listen.

Former Sen. Bob Clegg – What We Did And What You Need to Do

Former State Sen. Bob Clegg speaking at the Women’s Defense League 2A rally explains what the goals are for a new piece of gun legislation, and what you need to do if you want to protect your hard-won 2A victories. For more ways to listen visit the original blog post, here.

Victoria Sullivan – They Will Use Our Children to Disarm Us

NH House Rep. Victoria Sullivan reminds us that there are people who will use our own children to disarm us under the false pretense that this will somehow protect those children. Check out the original blog post page for more ways to listen.

The Interviews – Week Ending 3-10-2018

This weeks roundup of interviews includes Hoe Obama Policies gave us Nikolas Cruz, the left’s hypocritical overreaction to a tweet about Hitler, gun legislation update, actual foreign collusion in US elections, and how the Windham New Hampshire school board is robbing people of their constitutional rights. Find more ways to listen on the original blog-post … Read more

Sen. Kevin Avard – Women’s Defense League 2A Rally –

State Sen. Kevin Avard speaks to the crowd in front of the New Hampshire State House at the 4th Annual Women’s Defense League 2A Rally in Concord New Hampshire. Want more ways to listen? Check out the blog post for this podcast, here.

A Letter from the Governor, Then an Important History Lesson about the Second Amendment

Susan Olsen, the MC of the 4th annual WDL 2A Rally, reads a letter from an important 2A supporter in New Hampshire, then shares a history lesson that, to me at least, was the best part of the entire rally. Check out the original blog post for more ways to listen.

How Windham’s Transgender Policy Violates Your Rights

Skip Murphy explains how the Windham School Board’s new transgender bathroom policy includes language that could infringe on first amendment rights by compelling speech with threats of disciplinary action and how he is trying to pry more details from the board. Visit the original post for more ways to listen.

Ed Naile Explains The FEC Complaint and Ruling Against Bernie Sanders

CNHT Chairman Ed Naile walks me through the backstory leading up to an FEC complaint that resulted in a $14,500.00 fine levied against Bernie Sanders for colluding with Australian Socialists in his 2016 Presidential Campaign. We also discuss the FEC ruling and what it means for New Hampshire Elections. Find more ways to listen here

A Gun Legislation Update and a Gun Rally This Saturday

Susan Olsen returns with an update on SB500, a Bill to clean up firearms language in state statute and there’s a gun rally this week. Tune in for the details.   Visit the blog-post page for more ways to listen.

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