Boehner is not listening

The republican House leadership seems to too timid to actually do what they promised and defund Obamacare.  So, I sent a letter to the leadership telling them they are not doing job one.  
The most leverage they will ever have to take away funding is by tieing it to the continuing resolution.  They are letting a rule they created get in the way of ending Obamacare funding. 
If you are as concerned as I am, you may wish to write a letter as well as make some phone calls.  Perhaps my letter which I will put below will give you ideas.  If it helps in anyway, that is fine with me.  Yes, I cc’d Guinta.   
Following the letter will be the addresses.

March 11, 2011
Dear Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor, Congressman McCarthy, Congressman Price, and Congressman Sessions:

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The Pledge To America

The Republicans have released their position paper for the 2010 election and the next congress.  I don’t have time to wade into now, but National Review Online has done the yoemans work already, and we can get into the specifics in the days to come–as in–after I’ve actually read the entire document.


Update–I’ve got the entire text, but still have not read it.  The graphs did not survive the copy so I’ll add those as images later, but all the text is there. Check it out on the jump.

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