We’re always looking for anything that will inform our readers and trigger the fragile snowflakes, and this clip might be just what the under-trained, ill-informed public school health clinic counselor ordered.
Plandemic- Warp Speed Was a Lie: Pfizer Had Its First Spike Protein Vaccine Patent for Coronavirus Over Thirty Years Ago
You’ll have heard of Dr. David E Martin. He became famous to most of us for exposing the lies behind the pandemic, beginning in the Plandemic movies. Dr. Martin is one of the Flutopian’s worst nightmares. He’s smart, and he arrives not with just bad news but receipts.
Plandemic II Skewers the “Fact Checkers” – From Snopes to Wikipedia to Politifact…
In our second clip, they expose the (so-called) gatekeepers of truth—the on-line fact-checkers. From Snopes to Wikipedia, to Facebook’s PolitiFact, to Google, we get a look at the people, the money, the message and narrative control behind what is labeled as truth and what is conjecture or conspiracy.- fake news.
“Plandemic II – Indoctornation” is Out .
The teaser for Plandemic (the movie!) set the left and the media into a frenzy. Everyone and everything about it was labeled as fake or a conspiracy. That’s a good sign that the opposite is true, so this will likewise give them heartburn and panic. Plandemic II Indoctornation went live this week.
New Jersey’s “Office” of Rumor Control and Disinformation Warns Citizens About the Plandemic Movie
The Chinese Flu has created plenty of opportunity for fraud—email fraud, phone fraud, medical fraud, bank fraud, you name it. The progressive globalists are not the only criminals looking to take advantage of you. States have set up web sites to help keep you informed. But irony alert – check out New Jersey.