Dem Lawmaker Ticketed for Hands-Free Law, Second Offense

This, friends, is the crux of the laws that are passed. Eventually, they’ll get you. Yes, even you, Peter Leishman, who voted ‘Yea’ to pass the same law. And yes, even for a second time. In your hometown. The town you represent in Concord. From the Monadnock Ledger-Transcript, 11/7/2019 Police Logs PeterboroughPeter Leishman, 62, Peterborough, … Read more

Peter Leishman endorses Cory Booker

‘I never felt threatened by them’ … BUT

It’s not often that a Peterborough Democrat votes the right way in Concord, so when the opportunity arrises it seems almost necessary to praise it.

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Rep Leishman Lawsuit Tossed; Pan Am gets Revenge?

Railroad Track - Pan Am and Milford Bennington sparing match continuesDid Pan Am Railway just get some major payback on an ethics challenged State Rep who owns a competing Railroad company?

The Nashua Telegraph is reporting that Rep. Peter Leishman (D – Milford-Bennington Railway), recently re-elected to the NH House, just had his lawsuit thrown out by Judge Paul Barbadoro of the U.S. District Court in Concord.  Leishman was suing Pan Am Railways for allegedly violating a contract by refusing to let him operate on their track.  But apparently Pan Am can block Milford-Bennington from using their track and no amount of fussing by Rep Leishman will be able to change that.   The judge noted that he did not condone Pan Am’s conduct in barring Milford-Bennington but there was no legal reason to allow Leishman’s lawsuit against them to proceed.

Pan Am has to be excited about the ruling.  Keeping Milford-Bennington off their track sounds a lot like payback to me.  Payback for what you ask?

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Will Hillsborough Three Let Themselves Be Rail-roaded?

Peter Leishman is a Train WreckWe have another special election next Tuesday, this one in Hillsborough District three, and if you let the Democrat win you might want to know who you are sending to Concord.

The Democrat is Peter Leishman.  Leishman got flushed out of office in November 2010 but he’s hoping he can float back up if you are not looking. Do yourself a favor and hit the flush handle again because he is the same train wreck I described back in July of 2009


Lieshman just happens to be a rank-and-file House Democrat who is against your parental rights, voted in favor of the bathroom bill (twice), and voted to increase the budget by about one billion dollars during a recession… He’s a veteran state Democrat, and he’s into statewide fiscal abuse, and he has no problem with letting sexually confused men share your daughters personal space.


Leishman embraces the lefts genderless society regardless of risk, he voted against repealing the house weapons ban, against allowing spending caps and local control of spending, then Rep Leishman voted for the Tent Tax. He’s also implicated in insider, crony corruption, to go along with it.  He was accused of using his position in the House, knowing he was part of the relevant committee, to propose a bill whose passage would favor his own personal business interests.

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