My ‘Chat’ With Former State Sen. Peter Burling (D) on Election Law

I was on the Keith Hanson show this morning to go “toe-to-toe” with Former Democratic State Senator Peter Burling over voter laws, claims of voter suppression, voter fraud and Senate Bill 3. Can you guess how that turned out? Well, you don’t have to, you can listen to it.

“New Hampshire politics just threw a wrench into this,” Heck, I wish it was the final nail…

No, not as in this picture:   

Transcontinental railroad last spike        

This one:  

Last Nail In the Coffin

Headline:  Executive council derails rail study

Railroads, at least passenger ones, are a waste of time and a waste of taxpayer money.  Face it – the rolling stock is old, the infrastructure sucks, and even in the best place in the country, the Northeast Corridor where the Acela runs, there are often delays, malfunctions, and now the TSA wants to start doing security there as well.  In addition, Acela’s and The Downeaster’s (which runs from Maine through NH to Mass) parent, Amtrak run on huge taxpayer subsidies.  Like this (US DOT data from Jan 2011):


Occupancy Fare / Per
City State Train Name % Trip Trip

Portland ME Downeaster 19.6 $14.07 $19.49


See that?  Taxpayers have to subsidize more than 58% of a fare to make a go of it.  And yet, there are those that are proclaiming that this a roaring success!  And yet, there are some “stalled in the Golden Age of Railroad” politicians that even want to do more spending of “money of the more for the rides of the few”.  Glad to see this follow on has got these folk’s panties in a wad:

CONCORD — A $3.65 million contract to study a Concord-to-Boston rail line was rejected by the Executive Council Wednesday on a 2-3 vote.

Executive Councilors David Wheeler, Chris Sununu and Dan St.Hilaire all voted to oppose the project, which was favored by Nashua officials and rail advocates who had gone to Washington to secure the funding.

And the panty-wadder?

“New Hampshire politics just threw a wrench into this,” said Peter Hoe Burling, former chair of the state rail authority board.

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This editorial from today’s Union Leader on Commuter Rail caught my attention. PETER BURLING, head of the New Hampshire Rail Transit Authority (NHRTA), was in Manchester this week to promote his dream of building a commuter rail line from Concord to Boston. He suggested that operating commuter rail would cost taxpayers less than maintaining the … Read more

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