DCYF – Let’s See What Is Under Your Kimono On This, Shall We?

As you all know, DCYF decided to reveal my personal information to people I don’t know. Sure, intentions may (giving the benefit of the doubt) be good, but there are two sides to this. Yes, the Granddaughter needs to stay in contact with their families, but what are the costs to the foster families put in the same situation DCYF has created?

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How Technology Vendors are Building a Profile on Toddlers in New Hampshire with the Assistance of Governor Sununu:

Governor Sununu announced in a press conference that New Hampshire would receive a Preschool Development grant from the federal government. This is an initiative coming to New Hampshire that involves tracking personal information on your children from birth to the age of 20 years old. Spark NH has been pushing a political agenda for more access to early childhood education in spite … Read more

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