If you drop 109,900 petitions and no one is there to hear them fall…

Granite State Progress drops petitions but no one is there to hear

[Updated Below]

That 9:30 press conference, the one at which Zandra Rice Crispy Treats Hawkins (ZRCTH) was supposed to unleash the fury of over 100,000 signed petitions, started a little late. Something to do with the lack of actual press. As of 10:00 Zandra was still there, as the typical day’s traffic wandered in and out of the Legislative office Building, paying little or no attention to the tiny knot of people behind the podium.

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I See Dead People (Petition Edition)

We’ve begun the process of getting our hands on the ‘so-called’ 109,900 names and addresses from petitions ‘collected’ by the well funded out of state groups who dropped them on the New Hampshire Attorney General yesterday I have speculated on a few occasions that a super-majority of these will be from outside New Hampshire, but … Read more

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