In the world of international diplomacy, secrets have a way of unraveling. Leaked emails and reports have recently unveiled a clandestine Iranian operation known as the Iran Experts Initiative (IEI). This covert endeavor, designed to cultivate support for Iran’s nuclear program, has sent shockwaves through the corridors of power.
Nuclear weapons
Thought Splinters (Part I)
In my essay The Right to Disagree at Urban Scoop I’d re-coined (having used it on my old blog) the term “Thought Splinters” which I define as short memes or questions (e.g., in a discussion) that – if they have an effect – are not meant to immediately convince someone of something, but rather be nagging little things that sooner or later fester intellectually and, hopefully, require addressing by conscious thought and research.
Tough week last week at the State House
by NH State Rep Dave Testerman (R-Franklin) It was a long last week and somewhat frustrating. The House, overwhelmed by the Democrats passed a lot of silly and several dangerous laws. Here are just some of the sillyness: HB-558 and -560 ban plastic straws and bags. While I seldom use either of these, it is just … Read more
Sen. Cruz Issues Statement Regarding Prime Minister Netanyahu’s Presentation on Iran’s Nuclear Program
HOUSTON, Texas – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) today issued a statement following Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s revelations about Iran’s nuclear program:
“Today’s stunning revelations by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu powerfully demonstrate why the Obama Iran nuclear deal is not just unfixable, but truly catastrophic. The Prime Minister’s presentation was remarkable—unprecedented—and worth watching in full. Through extraordinary intelligence operations, Israeli agents captured over 100,000 secret documents and files from Iran. These Iranian documents prove that (1) for two decades, Iran has conducted a clandestine nuclear weapons program; (2) Iran lied repeatedly, and brazenly, denying that secret program; (3) the Obama nuclear deal was predicated on that edifice of lies; and (4) Iran is today in violation of that deal.
Would Someone Please Ask Ron Paul…
Are we convinced a Nuclear Iran does not assist in the development of a Nuclear Syria, or Turkey, or some other Middle-East nation? We are to believe that a Nuclear Iran, which has been moving conventional weapons to Hezbollah and others would never think of doing the same with other weapons?
The Threat From Iran
The need to stop policing the world, a desire to avoid wars like that in Iraq and Afghanistan, and a consensus similar to Rep Paul’s, that Iran is not the threat the war-mongring neo-con’s make it out to be, all rise to the surface of the debate. But while it is reasonable to argue these points, does it make sense to use them as an excuse to keep our head in the sand about Iran for another four years while the suicidal mad man build nuclear weapons?