The New Hampshire Attorney General’s office and this is just a guess, appears to be using the recent rise in left-wing anti-semitism to push for a court ruling that allows the State to use civil rights law to silence speech it decides at any given moment is offensive.
Articles tagged as
NH AG’s Civil Rights Case Against White Nationalist Group NSC-131 – Dismissed
White nationalists hung a banner on a highway overpass. When asked to remove it for failing to have a permit, they did. The State, looking for something – I speculate on that more here – charged them with a civil rights violation that I concluded would fail miserably. It did.
That Coffee Shop Drag Story Hour Protested By Neo-Nazis: The Government’s Response Is Worse.
The NH Attorney General’s Office is beginning an investigation into a protest in Concord on June 18th at the Teatotaller Coffee shop during a Drag Story Hour.
If NH AG Pushes Civil Rights “Case” Against White Nationalists, He’s Going to Lose
Last year some racist a**holes, while exercising their first amendment rights, were arrested and charged with violating 354-B:1 New Hampshire’s Civil Rights Act. A judge threw the case out, but the AG says his office will file a motion to reconsider.