Sunday Spotlight: The Pond is Our Oasis

This past week was so tumultuous that I had difficulty finding someone or thing positive to highlight this Sunday. It is exasperating to see the number of current and impending issues we face. Crime, illegal immigration, inflation, rising gas prices, supply chain issues, infant formula shortage, upcoming global wheat shortage…the list seems to go on … Read more


“Why Did You Let Them Do It?”

by Skip

Good question. A sad question, really, but a question that has to be asked. What happened? The WHY is easy – but that’s for later. Many folks I’ve been talking to are just overwhelmed about what is happening. If you weren’t paying attention to politics all the time, you wouldn’t know.

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“Millennial elitist dorks are all about screwing up burgers.”

Kurt Schlichter mourns the demise of the Ultimate ‘normal’ American food. Millennial elitist dorks are all about screwing up burgers. “Gourmet” burgers, they call them. But they are a sad simulacrum of true burgers, and a crime against nature. The menus of those precious gastropubs that spring up in the gentrified blue coastal urban centers are … Read more

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