Nothing Like a Meltdown During a Committee Hearing

“Whatever is begun in anger ends in shame.”   Benjamin Franklin 


Meltdowns. Most people find them offensive and off-putting while I find myself amused by them. Admittedly, I am sometimes surprised…but mostly amused. Such was the case today, With House Criminal Justice and Safety Chair, Laura Pantelakos.

Rep David Murotake (R) Nashua completed his testimony opposing House Bill 135 when the rather large crowd broke into applause, despite two prior warnings of the Chair not to do so. Representative Pantelakos began feverishly hammering the podium with the gavel, and yelling for the applause to

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House Bill 135: Hypocrisy Abounds

“Because hypocrisy stinks in the nostrils one is likely to rate it as a more powerful agent for destruction than it is.”  —Rebecca West 

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