$540 million fee increase

A $540 million Fee Increase – By a Republican?

You know that we Groksters will call out malice on either side of the aisle when appropriate, and this time it’s a Republican who has earned the spotlight. A representative from one of the most republican districts in New Hampshire has put in two very, very, anti-liberty bills. One of those bills will create a … Read more

91A Like it means something

Are laws really only just for chumps like me?

Going through some files this past Friday, I find a photocopy of the State Police complaint I filed against Democrat Debra Altschiller for assault.  It was given to me by the detective sergeant who interviewed me (with my attorney present, in case you were wondering).  It was bright and shiny and easy to read and, wonder of wonders, had the case number assigned to it, handwritten in the upper right-hand corner, a number Department of Safety lawyer David M. Hilts refused to provide to me, telling me the case was considered  “closed“.


So, copy in hand, I toodle on down to Troop D, park in the visitors’ parking area, walk in and ask the young woman behind the glass for a copy of case number D19-04018.  She looks at it, looks at me and says they don’t have it, that I will have to get it from State Police Headquarters in Concord.

Copy still in hand, off to Hazen Drive I go……..walk in the first floor and head to the Bureau of Operations.  A lovely young woman asks if she can help me, I hand her the photocopy and say I’d like a copy of the file.  She says OK and hands it to another woman.  The second woman glances at it and says we don’t have that here, you gotta go upstairs to the State Police.

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