forced face coverings

Nashua Forces Businesses to Be Mask Police While Mayor Doesn’t Enforce Masks in City Hall

The Nashua Board of Aldermen voted to pass an updated mask ordinance. “By a 13-2 vote, the Nashua Board of Aldermen approved an amendment to the city’s COVID-19 mask policy that says retail businesses must post “Face Covering Required” signs at their entrances and deny service to anyone who is not wearing a mask.”

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Nashua Mayor Wants to Force Businesses to be the Mask Police

Nashua Mayor Jim Donchess is supporting a proposed amendment to the city mask ordinance, which requires that masks be worn in all public places in Nashua. The existing mask ordinance has a fine up to $1,000 and it is enforced by local law enforcement but the amendment would turn businesses into the mask police.

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