“Squirrels!” Best Mind Your Nuts!

NHS pays out one million for removing wrong testicle
You what?

Last week we observed that the more train-wrecked-liberal places like California were already preparing for doctor shortages.  Medical Doctors are leaving the profession because of growing government interference and the looming price and cost pressures of Obama-Care.

The Progressive State’s solution?  Redefine what “Doctor” means until all your oars are manned.  (Perhaps a more apt metaphor would be having enough hands to arrange all your deck chairs?)

This week I’d like to give that some perspective with this; from the UK Mail Online.

Roger Goss, co-director of Patient Concern (for Britain’s National Health Service), told The Sun: ‘It is amazing that surgeons don’t always take enough care to guarantee that they are removing the correct testicle.’

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