Shame of Impeachment

’Tis the Season to be Gleeful?

It is, as another seasonal song tells us, a most wonderful time of the year.  It’s a time when most people seem a little more charitable, more giving and forgiving.  It’s a season that brings, for most, a measure of comfort, hope and joy.

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Baffled Democrats

Why Democrats Can’t Find More Support for Impeachment

Frustrated Democrats have tried everything to gain public support for impeachment.  After alternately hinting at it, suggesting it, and demanding it for three years, they brought in a special counsel to investigate the president. Then there were the hearings, closed and open. They tried appealing to our sense of justice and to our patriotism.  After … Read more

When Does Prosecution Become Persecution?

Fox News reports Rep Nadler of NY claims the only reason Trump was not indicted was he was a sitting president. Nadler references a specific exchange between Mueller and Rep. Ted Lieu of California as his support. “He told us in a remarkable exchange with Mr. Lieu that but for the Department of Justice policy … Read more


Congressional Oversight, or Abuse of Power?

You’ve got to hand it to Jerry Nadler and the Democrats.  They know just how to sound righteous, patriotic, and even noble when they want to.  For two years, they posed as champions of democracy, railing about treason at the highest levels of government.  “America deserves better,” they proclaimed. And today when they’re pontificating about … Read more

Democrat Party

Hungry for power, Dems have no appetite for impeachment

The release of the Mueller report should have finally silenced President Trump’s Democrat critics who for two years have fueled the false narrative that he and his campaign colluded with the Russian government to win his election.  Mueller’s exhaustive investigation has proven conclusively their destructive, and very likely concocted allegations were pure fantasy.  But hard … Read more

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