“Inconvenient Truths” About Senator Shaheen’s Call for “Unity

Senator Shaheen,

My name is Molly Notkin, and I am a registered undeclared voter in Gilford, NH. You and President Biden say that reconciliation and unity are the necessary goal for all of us to heal and effectively collaborate in rebuilding America as a beacon of opportunity, freedom, justice, and truth.

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The Biden-Harris Ticket

Watch: Joe Biden’s “Peaceful Protests”

A picture says a thousand words.  Get used to the violence if Biden is elected President in November…

Blue Collar Joe Biden is a Fraud

Joe Biden Thinks the American People Are Stupid! Are You?

There is a saying, “If you repeat a lie often enough, people will believe it.”  Here is a new example of Joe Biden, falsely accusing President Trump and his supporters for the BLM and Antifa anarchy, violence, rioting, looting, and unrest across America.

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