Can There Be Civilization Without Justice?

Chinese Missiles in Saudi Arabia?

Discovery or announcement? Multiple reports say Saudi Arabia has significantly escalated its ballistic missile program.  The advance has come through acquisition of missiles and technology. Assuming the story is true it is not a development that moves the region closer to peace. It is a development threatening decades of US efforts to limit such proliferation … Read more

The Missiles of Venezuela

missile.jpgOriginally reported last November by Germany’s Die Welt, but just recently resurrected by The Drudge Report from the Jerusalem Post, Iran–the Islamic regime that has been waging war on the United States since 1979–is building intermediate range missile launch pads in Venezuela.

Yes, the same Iran that prior to 2005 traded nothing with Hugo Chavez but which has since increased its trade with the socialist nut job to the tune of 40 billion.  There is good reason to speculate that this has or will include nuclear technology.  His goal being to expand control in the region by intimidating neighbors, I’m sorry–by offering mob style "protection" from the evil Americans.

So we’d have an America hating socialist nut job with intermediate range Iranian missiles and a working relationship with a country (Iran) that the current administration has suggested is going to get nuclear weapons anyway?  Venezuela is already suspected of having Hezbollah training camps in its jungles.  The Iranian Military is hanging with the Chavez.  This presents no risk?  Or maybe the economy isn’t the only thing Obama plans to screw up while in office?

Note to the White House.  Israel will not be bombing our problems away in Venezuela.  And I’m certain they have no expectation that we’ll back them up with anything other than wordy statements when they do what has to be done to survive. So don;t count on them to help you out here.

So the next question; can :Obama the bold, courageous, and decisive" actually be any of those things when it comes to the Missiles of Venezuela?  Can the guy who accepts books from the same dictator who is prepared to represent a significant risk to American interests in the hemisphere–including interests in America, step up and take them out before they are operational?  Or does the major troublemaker and regional king maker in Venezuela have a right to intermediate range weapons capable of carrying nuclear warheads, and the ongoing training and assistance of Iran’s Qods force?

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