Are You Ready for Project Blue Beam?

If you’re a regular consumer of mainstream news you will have noticed this past year has seen a sharp uptick in talk of alien craft littering the skies of the world, especially the western world.  Just this past month the United States congress held committee meetings to hear the testimony of government personnel, including military aircraft pilots, who offer detailed accounts of their observations.

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Big Tech cuts off the money supply

Big Tech Cuts off the Money Supply

An advertising account manager at Google directs major advertisers to the page of the Sleeping Giants. Sleeping Giants is a far-left organization spreading smears about conservative media websites. It works in an effort to frighten advertisers away from conservatives.

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Speech Police

Oxford Worried About People Using Memes to Spread ‘Fake News’ But not CNN.

Fake news was invented by the media establishment to discredit sources of information over which they have no control. The concept is based on a standard Liberal belief. You are too stupid to know the difference. 

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