The Star Witness May Become The Defendant

The question of the day with no wrong answer is which man is the biggest sleazebag- Michael Avenatti or Michael Cohen. Both are lawyers, con artists, liars, and now thieves. Grammarly just informed me that sleazebag may be inappropriate. Absolutely not; it is not vile enough for these two individuals.

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Lanny Davis

Clinton Fixer Blows Hole in Dossier – Russia Collusion Narrative

The debunked Steele Dossier was the driving force behind the special counsel investigation into the Trump administration. Herr Mueller, for all his work, has a few process crimes and a lot of press but nothing relating to why he was appointed.  So, is it a big deal that Clinton Family fixer Lanny Davis just hollowed out the dossier and left it to rot at the bottom of the Potomac?

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