You know, we have SigSauer based here in NH. Sturm Ruger, too, Heckler & Koch as well. Well known manufacturers – a solid knowledge base and familiarity with firearms manufacturing. I have been wondering, with Democrat onslaught in various States of restricting the civilian populations’ access to and use of small arms they deem “scary” (as Progressives do not trust “we plebes”), what the State of NH has been doing to go and entice some of their companies to move here. A win-win situation: companies leave the States that have made it illegal for them to sell their products to their own citizens for a place that should be more welcoming and we get the jobs and a larger tax base. However, I have seen NOTHING in the NH media that would indicate that our present Governor, Maggie “The Red” Hassan has reached out to Beretta in MD, Magpul in CO., Colt in CT, or any other number of companies – all large operations whose (Democrat controlled) Legislatures have said “We do not trust our own Citizens” and, in fact, have said via their actions “We have judged our Citizens to be guilty ahead of innocence for crimes they have not committeed”. Simply put, they have turned the traditional American philosophy of jurisprudence upside down – and like it that way. Neither have I heard if DRED (Depart. of Resourced and Economic Development) has done any reach out, either. While there might be secret negotiations, SOMEONE would have leaked something by now, right? However, I have received note that a few of our legislators have reached out on their own to these companies – Republicans ran on a Jobs! platform and they are carrying out their campaign promises. Here are a couple of the letters that have been sent in (emphasis mine):
March 26, 2013
N.H. House Republican Office
107 N. Main St.
N.H. State House
Concord, N.H. 03301
Dennis Veilleux
President & CEO
Colt Manufacturing Company
PO Box 1868
Hartford, CT 06144