KY 2A Red Flag Rally

KY ‘Red Flag Law’ Protest Triggers Liberal Media

“How many ‘Red Flags’ Do You See in These Photos from Kentucky Gun Owners Swarming the Capitol?” is the headline from Yahoo! News, who shared an Equire post about the protests in Frankfurt on Friday. One thing is certain, the protestors that gathered to oppose a Red Flag Law in KY certainly triggered the liberal … Read more

Some Murders Are More Newsworthy Than Others

“Reserved media seats Thurs a.m. in Courtroom 304 in Phila where Gosnell is on trial” jdmullane; credit jdmullane

Children slaughtered by streaking lead projectiles, punched out of a menacing-looking barrel, wielded by an unhinged psychopath, is newsworthy.  Children slaughtered by other means is not, or so it seems.

The news that’s been visiting the nation endlessly for months now is about a white-skinned fruit-loop, hell-bent on slaughtering white children.  If he was seeking media attention, I suppose it’s a good thing for the Newtown psycho boy that he didn’t stroll into a hospital and replace his fiery hell with something more subtle on infants, because we’d never hear about it. But he didn’t; he used a gun on grade-schoolers.  Therefore, let loose the media spigots and on with the deluge.

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