I am in the market for some new clothes including jeans. After a couple of years of being home-bound (for the most part) and in losing more weight, I need to start replacing my wardrobe which is, to be honest, looking rather drab and threadbare.
Levi Strauss
Environmentalists who love crony capitalism
Because they can’t stand seeing their fellow citizens ignoring their bleats of “You shouldn’t do that” in some cases (like, you know, use electricity to live a modern lifestyle, or be allowed to drive a car that can, like, you know, can actually hold all of your family members and the grocery bags needed to feed them for a week – in 1 trip). So, they’ve convinced elected politicians (or increasingly, the unelected bureaucrats that doing the pols’ job). They certainly are in favor in taking away choice in little ways as in what kind of light bulbs you may purchase.
And when it comes to industries they like, like all things green, they are bound and determined not to let “green go dark” simply because the Free Market hates their ideas. From that ever amusing, ever complaining, bastion of Watermelon Environmentalism (otherwise known as TreeHugger), the denizens are complaining about the Federal Venture Capital spigot being turned off (gee, and I thought ALL forms of conservation was good – including conserving our tax dollars!).