The CDC claims that the better a mask fits, the fewer aerosols and particulates escape past it. But viruses are not aerosols or particulates. In the trial person one is coughing or breathing. Person two from whom aerosols were measured wore two masks. They wore a cloth mask over a medical procedure mask.
Articles tagged as
The Scientific Value of Masks, Hiding, and Hand Wringing
The scientific value of mask hiding and hand wringing is diminishing. That’s right there’s a new study confirming it. The experts say if you hide in your basement and wash your hands incessantly while wearing a mask it increases your probability of becoming president. It does not however decrease your chances of getting the virus. … Read more
Decision making without a grasp of the impact
Decision making without a grasp of the impact. That is Leftists decision making. It is otherwise known as mob rule. The virus is real. People have died from it. But the economic impact American cities are seeing is not from the virus. The economic impact is from the self imposed restrictions. You imposed the restrictions … Read more